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Psychology and Sports Notes

Psychology and Sports MCQ(Click Here)
Psychology and Sports | ||||||||||||
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Dimensions of Personality | ||||||||||||
1. Physical Dimensions
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2. Mental Dimensions
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3. Social Dimension
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4. Emotional Dimension
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Type A Personality1. Competitive 2. Impatient with delay 3. Easily aroused to anger, hostility and aggression. 4. Easily exited, high working involvement experience sense of urgency and struggling with clock. 5. Self critical fall prey to Hypertension. Type B Personality1. not competitive in nature 2. Easy going and patient. 3. Do not become angry or hostile. 4. Able to express, emotion, able to cope up stress effectively. 5. not overachievers and over ambitious in life, satisfied with their life. | ||||||||||||
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Type C Personality
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Type D Personality
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Jung’s Classification1. Introverts – Shy in nature, talking less, not having a social circle, hesitation, self centered, not easily adjust in society, sensible, not expressing feeling. 2. Extrovert – friendly, talkative and socially active, gernous, courageous. Happy, go interest in present reality than future, don’t have hesitation, expressing feeling, not affected easily by difficulties and troubles. 3. Ambiverts – Mix of extrovert & introvert. | ||||||||||||
BIG FIVE PERSONALITY1. Openers – Eager to like to learn new concepts or thing, eager like various & new experiences. Imaginative persons, Insightful with lots of interest. 2. Conscientiousness – Those who had high degree of honesty are reliable and sharp. Organised, systematic, hard worker. 3. Extroversion – They get energy from other peoples by interacting them. They are energetic. 4. Agreeableness – Friendly, cooperative, compatible, kind & gentle. Person with more agreeableness may to at more distance. Kind, Generous, affectionate & sympathetic. 5. Neuroticism – called as emotional stability. Neuroticism related to emotional stability and the degree of negative emotion of a person. Those who having high value of neuroticism emotions. They remain moody & tense. | ||||||||||||
AGGRESSIONAggression – Any form of behaviour towards the goal of injuring or harming another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment. 1. Hostile Aggression – To cause harm whether it is physical or psychological to another living person. Main aim to cause injury to other sportsperson. Example – Bowler bowling bouncer deliberately to with intention of either to injured or to shake up concentration of a betsman. 2. Instrumental – displaying aggression behaviour with channeled aggression without anger. may be intention to hurt to get money, victory or praise. Overall goal is to win the competition. | ||||||||||||
Assertive Behaviour
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