Physiology & Injuries in Sports MCQ

1. | When the bone is broken diagonally to the axis of the bone is which type of injury a) Soft tissue b) Fracture c) both ‘a’ & ‘b’ d) none of these |
2. | When the bone is broken in three or more pieces it is known as which type of fracture? a) Greenstick b) Comminuted c) Impact d) none of these |
3. | Which type of fracture is found only in children a) Greenstick b) Comminuted c) both ‘a’ & ‘b’ d) none of these |
4. | In PRICE, ‘R’ stands for a) Repeat b) Recovery c) Rehabilitation d) Rest |
5. | Strain is a – a) ligament Injury b) Muscles Injury c) Fracture d) disease |
6. | In MICE, ‘C’ stands for – a) Condensation b) Conditioning c) Compression d) complication |
7. | Sprain is a – a) ligament Injury b) Muscles Injury c) Fracture d) disease |
8. | Abrasion is a – a) head Injury b) Muscles Injury c) Skin injury d) deformity |
9. | ________ fracture is that fracture in which skin and muscles are damaged along with the fracture. a) Simple b) Compound c) complicated d) Greenstick |
10. | Vital air capacity varies from _________ cc to _________ cc in a normal adult. a) 3000 – 3500 b) 3500 – 4500 c) 4000 -4500 d) 4500 -5500 |
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