Psychology and Sports MCQs 12

Lets discuss important questions of Psychology and Sports MCQs 12




Q.1.The ward ‘personality’ is derived from ________ ward.

a) Greek                                     b) Latin                                    c) both a & b                          d) none of these

Q.2.‘Persona’ means:

a) Resist                                      b) Mask                                c) Person                                   d) none of these

Q.3.How many dimensions of personality are there?

a) 1                                               b) 2                                         c) 3                                             d) 4

Q.4.Which of these is a trait of shyness and tendency to talk less?

a) Extravert                              b) Introvert                         c) both a & b                               d) None of these

Q.5.Which of these is combination of pure introvert or pure extrovert?

a) Extravert                              b) Introvert                         c) both a & b                               d) None of these

Q.6.Person who like to learn new things new concept is known as?

a) Extroversion                       b) Agreeableness                c) Neuroticism                          d) none of these

Q.7.Person who are friendly, cooperative, kind are

aa) Extroversion                       b) Agreeableness                c) Neuroticism                          d) none of these

Q.8.How many types of aggression is there?

a) 1                                               b) 2                                        c) 3                                              d) 4

Q.9.The aggression is displaying aggressive behaviour in the pursuit of non aggressive goal is known as-

a) Instrumental                        b) Assertive                         c) Hostile                                     d) None of these

Q.10.How you value and respect your self as a person is known as –

a) Instrumental                        b) Assertive                         c) Hostile                                     d) None of these

Q.11.The Athlete imagining himself is an environment performing specific Activity using his sense known as is the way you talk to yourself on your inner voice.

a) Mental Imagery                 b) Self Eastern                      c) Self talk                                     d) Goal setting




Psychology and Sports

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