Training in Sports MCQs

Q.1. | Identification can be defined as that process by which children are encouraged and motivated. a) Sports b) Talent c) Difficulty d) None of these |
Q.2. | Development provide suitable learning environment. a) Sports b) Talent c) Difficulty d) None of these |
Q.3. | Provide athletes with a suitable learning environment to accurate or realize their potential. It is called as- a) Talent Detection b) Talent Identification c) Talent Development d) Talent selection |
Q.4. | The recognizing of participants with potential at an earlier age to become elite performance in the future- a) Talent Detection b) Talent Identification c) Talent Development d) Talent selection |
Q.5. | Periodization of training cycles was originated in a) U.S.A. b) U.S.S.R c) Germany d) France |
Q.6. | Periodisation of training cycles was in _________. a) 1958 b) 1959 c) 1960 d) 1961 |
Q.7. | In periodization, the who training cycle is divided in _______ parts: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 |
Q.8. | Competition period is of ________ month. a) 1-6 b) 7-11 c) 12 d) 2 years |
Q.9. | Which period is shortest period of training. a) preparatory b) competition c) transitional d) micro |
Q.10. | Which period is longest period of training – a) preparatory b) competition c) transitional d) micro |
Q.11. | Which cycle of preparation of weeks? a) macro b) miso c) micro d) workout |
Q.12. | Which cycle is shortest cycle of preparation? a) macro b) miso c) micro d) workout |
Q.13. | How many types of motor components of physical fitness are– a) macro b) miso c) micro d) workout |
Q.14. | It is the ability of muscles to overcome resistance- a) Strength b) Endurance c) Flexibility d) none of these |
Q.15. | Throwing shot-put is a example of _________ a) Dynamic St. b) Explosive St. c) State St. d) none of these |
Q.16. | How many types of Dynamic Strength are there? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 |
Q.17. | Other name of Isotonic strength is called _______. a) Static b) Isokinetic c) Dynamic d) None of these |
Q.18 | Static strength is also called as _______ strength. a) Isometric b) Isotonic c) Isokinetic d) Dynamic |
Q.19. | In these type of exercise, a group of muscles are stretched more than the other group of muscles. This is called as _________ a) Isometric b) Isotonic c) Isokinetic d) Dynamic |
Q.20. | In which type of exercise length of muscles will increase – |
Q.21. | Which exercise are developed by Perrine? |
Q.22. | In which type of exercise no equipment is required – |
Q.23. | Which exercise require special type of muscles contraction – |
Q.24. | Calisthenics exercise are the example of- |
Q.25. | In 1968 which type of exercise is developed- |
Q.26. | __________ is the ability to sustain an activity. a) Strength b) Endurance c) Flexibility d) speed |
Q.27. | Continuous training method is develop ________ |
Q.28. | How many types of endurance is there on the basis of nature- |
Q.29. | The endurance needed for 1500 m race is a perfect example of- a) Speed b) isotonic c) Middle d) Isokinetic |
Q.30. | Speed endurance is the ability to resist fatigue in sports activities lasting up to _____ seconds. a) 15 b) 45 c) 105 d) 150 |
Q.31. | Who introduced Interval training method. a) Newton b) Perrine c) Bikila d) GostaHolmer |
Q.32. | Who introduced fartlek training method fartlek is a _______ word. a) Greek b) Roman c) Swedish d) German |
Q.33. | Fartlek means – a) Far play b) Speed Play c) Rough play d) Pace play |
Q.34. | Bikila the famous athletic coach of _______ a) Germany b) France c) Finland d) U.S.A. |
Q.35. | The capacity of an individual to perform successive movement of the same pattern at a fast rate is _________ a) locomotor b) Movement c) Reaction d) Acerbation |
Q.36. | Ability to maintain maximum speed for maximum time & Distance- a) locomotor b) Movement c) Reaction d) Acerbation |
Q.37. | Ability to do movement in minimum time. |
Q.38. | Ability to achieve maximum speed from stationary position- a) Locomotor b) movement c) Reaction d) Acceleration |
Q.39. | If an individual has more percentage & fast twitch fibers a) slow b) fast c) both a & b d) None |
Q.40. | Acceleration Run is used to develop- a) Strength b) Endurance c) Speed d) None |
Q.41. | ______ is the range of movements. a) Strength b) Endurance c) Speed d) None |
Q.42. | Stretching exercise with the help of partner- a) Active flexibility b) Passive c) Dynamic d) None |
Q.43. | Static & Dynamic Flexibility is a types of _______. a) Active flexibility b) Passive c) Dynamic d) None |
Q.44. | Ballistic method is used to improve- |
Q.45. | _________ method involves gradually easing into the stretch position and holding the position. a) Ballistic b) Static Stretching c) Dynamic d) None |
Q.46. | Before 1980 speed, strength, flexibility and _______ were considered, the main components of physical fitness. a) Coordination b) Agility c) Both a & b d) None of these |
Q.47. | How many types of co-ordination are there ________. a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) None of these |
Q.48. | ________ is the ability to combine the movements/different body parts. a) Orientation b) coupling c) Balance d) None of these |
Q.49. | Synchronized swimming is a example of- a) Orientation b) coupling c) Balance d) None of these |
Q.50. | It is the ability to determine the position of the body and its parts in time and space in relation to gravity- a) Orientation b) coupling c) Balance d) None of these |
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