Children and Women in Sports MCQ
Children and women in Sports MCQ 1. Identify the non spinal deformities from these? a) Kyphosis b) Knock knees c) Lordosis […]
Children and women in Sports MCQ 1. Identify the non spinal deformities from these? a) Kyphosis b) Knock knees c) Lordosis […]
Fundamental of Anatomy & Physiology MCQ class 11 1. _____________ is the study of all system of human body. a) Anatomy b) Psychology c) Physiology d) None of these 2. _____________ is the structure, shape, size and location of all the organs a) Anatomy b) Psychology c) Physiology d) None of these 3. How
Fundamental of Anatomy & Physiology MCQ Class 11 Read More »
Olympics Movement For each and every player, his/her dream is to won Gold medal for his/her country. In this chapter and part that is Olympics Movement Part 1 we will learn about Olympic History, Motto, Flag and many more things. Ancient Olympic Games Olympics Movement Part 1 1. When and how did the ancient
Physical-education-sports-for-cwsn-part-2 Physical-education-sports-for-cwsn-part-2, In this part we will learn about Disorders and its types like ADHD, ASD, SPD, OCD, ODD. Concept of Disorder: 1. Disorder is usually used for mental disabilities. 2. Disorder is any ailment that disturbs the health of an individual. 3. Disorder creates hindrance in an individual’s performance and reduces his efficiency.
Sports and Nutrition Part 9 Sports and Nutrition Part 9, In this part we will learn about the pitfalls of dieting and food myth.rts and Nutrition Part 9 Sports and Nutrition Part 9 Pitfalls of dieting 1. In the beginning, dieting produces good results or success. But after initial success it adds more weight
Sports and Nutrition Part 8 Sports and Nutrition Part 8 Sports and Nutrition Part 8 Non Nutritive Component 1. Non-nutritive components of diet are those components that do not provide energy or calories. 2. Roughage or fibre, water, colours, flavours etc are the components of Non Nutrient The explanation
Sports and Nutrition Part 6 Sports and Nutrition Part 6, In this we will learn about Vitamins which comes in a Nutrient Component of Diet. we also learn about Fat Soluble Vitamins and Water Soluble Vitamins. Vitamin 1. Vitamins Are Chemicals, Which Are Required In Very Small Amount To Keep Our Body Healthy. 2. If Vitamin
Sports and Nutrition part 5 Sports and Nutrition part 5, in this part we would learn about Nuttritve and Non Nutrient Components of Diet. Further we learn about some components of the Nutritive component of diet. Nutritive Components of Diet 1. Nutritive components of the diet are those components that provide energy or