Sports and Nutrition Part 4

Sports and Nutrition Part 4


In this Sports and Nutrition Part 4 we learn about Vitamins and its sub parts that is Fat Soluble Vitamins and Water Soluble Vitamins. Now lets discuss in details.

Sports and Nutrition - Lots of Vitamins together
Sports and Nutrition – Lots of Vitamins together


1. Vitamins are chemicals, which are required in very small  amount  to keep our body healthy.
2. if vitamin C is not included in diet, it will cause scurvy
3. They further it is divided into 2 parts. I) Fat Soluble Vitamin II) Water soluble Vitamin

Fat Soluble Vitamins:

1. Soluble in Fat
2. composed of the elements of carbon, hydrogen.
3. These vitamins are vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K
Mango - Source of Vitamin A
Mango – Source of Vitamin A

A) Vitamin A

1. discovered in 1913 by Elmer McCollum and formed by the elements of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.
2. It is helpful in the formation of bones and teeth, promotes normal vision and also resistance to infections.
3.  deficiency leads to night blindness
sources are cod liver oil, animal liver, egg yolk, milk, milk products, mango, papaya.
Milk - Source of Vitamin
Milk – Source of Vitamin D

B) Vitamin D

1. formed by the elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
2. It is a white crystalline substance.
3. helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and also maintain their level.
4. its deficiency may cause rickets, dental cavities
Sources are Sunrays, milk, butter and fish liver oils.
Meat - Source Vitamin E
Meat – Source Vitamin E

C) Vitamin E

1. required for the growth of many organs in our body.
2. This means it helps to slow down the process that damage cells and It is also an anti-oxidant also.
3. deficiency may cause anemia, or low red blood count.
4. Its deficiency may cause nerve and muscle damage that results in loss of feeling in arms and legs, loss of body movement control, muscle weakness and vision problems.
sources are Green vegetables, sprouts, coconut oil, yolk, dry and fresh fruits, milk, meat, butter and maize are rich sources of Vitamin ‘E’.
Tomato -Source of Vitamin K
Tomato -Source of Vitamin K

D) Vitamin K

1. derived from the word ‘coagulation’, which means clotting of blood.
2. deficiency of this vitamin, blood does not clot easily and blood continues to flow for a long duration during an Injury.
3. deficiency also causes anaemia and more required for Pregnant ladies.
Sources:  cauliflower, spinach, tomato, potato, green vegetables, wheat, egg, meat, etc.

Water Soluble Vitamins:

1. contain the elements of nitrogen and  even sulphur.
2. vitamin B and vitamin C
3. play important roles in cell metabolism.
4. they are referred to as vitamin ‘B’ complex.
A brief description of these vitamins is given
Rice - Source of Vitamin
Rice – Source of Vitamin B1

A) Vitamin B1 or Thiamin

1. colourless vitamin, salty in taste and smell is just like yeast.
2. helps in metabolising carbohydrates
3. maintains the health of liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, brain, etc.
4. maintains the health and efficiency of nerves and muscles.
5. Deficiency of vitamin B1 causes skin diseases, headache, lack of concentration, sleeplessness, loss of appetite,indigestion, lower heartbeat and also retardation of muscular efficiency.
6. shortage of vitamin B1, may cause to ‘beri-beri’ disease, constipation,  irritation and anger and Development  of  the  body  also.
Sources: Wheat, groundnuts, green peas, orange, pig meat, liver, eggs, green vegetables, rice and sprouts.
Wheat - Source of B2
Wheat – Source of B2

B) Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin

1. yellow in Colour
2. usually destroyed if the food is cooked for a longer time in sunlight and also.
3. preserving and maintaining the characteristics of youth, tightness and smoothness of skin, activity, health of body tissues, etc.
4. essential to keep the eyes, nose, mouth, lips and tongue in healthy state.
5. deficiency of this vitamin causes underdeveloped growth, unhealthy skin and inflammation in eyes and also decreases immunity power of white blood.
Sources: This vitamin is richly found in egg yolk, fish, pulses, peas, rice, yeast, wheat and in green vegetables.
Eggs - Source of Vitamin
Eggs – Source of Vitamin

C) Vitamin B3 or Niacin

1. deficiency may cause pellagra.
2. Symptoms of its deficiency include indigestion, fatigue, vomiting and depression.
Sources: Food sources of vitamin B3 include yeast, meat, fish, milk, eggs, nuts, green vegetables, beans and cereals
Meat - Source Vitamin E
Meat – Source Vitamin B5

D) Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic 

1. necessary for making blood cells.

2. plays a vital role in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy.
3. deficiency of this vitamin may include the symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, depression, irritability, vomiting, stomach pain and burning feet.
Sources: The main sources of this vitamin include meat, fish, whole grains, egg, yolk, milk products and soyabeans.
Peas - Source of Vitamin
Peas – Source of Vitamin B6

E) Vitamin B6

1. vital for the formation of haemoglobin and also keeps the skin Healthy.
Sources: This vitamin is richly found in meat, fish, egg yolk, yeast, rice, wheat and peas, etc.
Milk - Source of Vitamin
Milk – Source of Vitamin B7

F) Vitamin B7 or Biotin: 

1. Biotin helps release energy from carbohydrates and aids in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates from food
Sources: Egg yolk, milk, fresh vegetables, yeast breads, cereals, etc.

G) Vitamin B12 

1. red in colour and usually destroyed in cooking, if cooked for longer time.
2. deficiency may cause anaemia.
Spinach - Source of Vitamin
Spinach – Source of Vitamin

H) Folic Acid or B9

1. it is tasteless, odourless and yellow in colour and helpful in blood formation.
2. Simple cooking can destroy and essential for reproduction and growth and development of body.
3. deficiency may cause anaemia. Sports and Nutrition Part 4
Sources: Folic acid is found in yeast, spinach and liver.

Lemon - Source of Vitamin C
Lemon – Source of Vitamin C
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid ports and nutrition
1. odourless and white in colour.
2. significant in increasing the metabolic rate and also helpful in absorbing iron and calcium.
3. Due to the presence of Vitamin C, wounds are healed rapidly.
4. also helpful in maintaining the health of the connecting tissues, and in the formation of bones and red blood corpuscles.
5. deficiency of this vitamin causes ‘scurvy’
Sources: Lemons, pineapples, grapes, apples, oranges, green vegetables and highly in amla and green chillies. Sports and Nutrition Part 4
For other parts of this chapter click below as per your needs.
Part 1                                            Part 2                                                  Part 3    
Part 5                                           Part 6                                                   Part 7   
Part 8                                            Part 9                                                                
Sports and nutrition

Sports and Nutrition Part 4

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