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Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports XI MCQ
1. | _________ is the use of test and techniques to collect information about a specific skill of an individual a) Measurement b) evaluation c) Test d) Assessment |
2. | _________ is the presentation of a situation which brings out a specific from the subject. a) Measurement b) evaluation c) Test d) Assessment |
3. | _________ is a means of organised activities done to appraise the value of something. a) Measurement b) Evaluation c) Test d) Assessment |
4. | Which of the following is a classification of individuals by Ernest Kretschmer? a) Sanguine b) Choleric c) Asthenic d) Melancholic |
5. | Which of the following is not a classification of Hippocrates? a) Sanguine b) Choleric c) Asthenic d) Melancholic |
6. | Who are categorised as slim persons because their muscles and limbs are elongated? a) Ectomorph b) Endomorph c) Mesomorph d) Pyknic |
7. | ___________ are individuals with shorts arms and legs and have rounded physique. a)Ectomorph b) Endomorph c) Mesomorph d) Pyknic |
8. | _________ are generally described as muscular and have athletic physique a) Ectomorph b) Endomorph c) Mesomorph d) Pyknic |
9. | Which of the following statements are true regarding BMI? a)BMI is the individuals weight divided by the square of his height. b) It help the person to know whether he/she has a healthy weight c) It is used to measure body composition d) All of these |
10. | ___________ is the ability to exercise the entire body for long period of time. a) Muscular Strength b) Muscular Endurance c) Flexibility d) Cardiovascular Endurance |
11. | __________ is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones, several times even without getting tired. a) Muscular Strength b) Muscular Endurance c) Flexibility d) Cardiovascular Endurance |
12. | Skinfold technique is used to measure_____ a) Weight b) Fat percentage c) Girth measurement d) Obesity |
13. | Which of the following statement is false regarding evaluation? a) It is a technique that tells at what extent the objectives are being achieved. b) An impartial evaluation offers credible results. c) It is a means of organised assessment done to appraise the value of something. d) It is the use of tests and techniques to collect information about fitness level of an individual. |
14. | An individual’s weight is 70 Kg and his height is 1.6m. In which category he can be organised? a) Underweight b) Normal Weight c) Overweight d)Obesity |
15. | Which of the following statement is false? a) Excess body fat is considered a risk factor for degenerative diseases. b) Waist – Hip ratio is defined as the measurement of the hip circumference divided by waist circumference. c) In case of a male, if the waist – hip ratio is more than 1.00, he is at the health risk. d) In case of a female, if the waist – hip ratio is more than 0.85, she is at the health risk |
16. | What is the height of gym bench for Harvard step test? a) 16 inches b) 17 inches c) 18 inches d) 20 inches |
17. | Which of the following statement is false regarding test, measurement and eveluation? a) These help in getting knowledge about the progress. b) Measurement is a vital motivational device. c) These are tools in research and experimentation in the field of Physical Education. d) They do not help in showing the place where emphasis must be laid. |
18. | What is the range of an individual who falls in the category of overweight according to the criteria of WHO? a) 35 – 39.9 b) 25.0 – 29.9 c) 30.0 -34.9 d) 18.5 – 24.9 |
19. | What is the range of healthy body mass index according to WHO? a) 35 – 39.9 b) 25.0 – 29.9 c) 30.0 -34.9 d) 18.5 – 24.9 |
20. | Who developed the Harvard step test? a) Wells and Dillon b) W.H.Sheldon c) Brouha d) none of these |
21. | If a male individuals measurement is 33 inches and the hip measurement is 44 inches, then is he at the health risk? a) YES b) NO c) may be d) data not sufficient |
22. | Which category of individual is physically and mentally weak? a) Sanguine b) Melancholic c) Choleric d) Phlegmatic |
23. | __________ individuals are idle, passive, lethargic and spiritless. a) Sanguine b) Melancholic c) Choleric d) Phlegmatic |
24. | __________ individuals are physically fit and have optimistic view about life? a) Sanguine b) Melancholic c) Choleric d) Phlegmatic |
25. | __________ individuals have a very aggressive behavior? a) Sanguine b) Melancholic c) Choleric d) Phlegmatic |
26. | Who invented Body Mass Index(BMI)? a) Adolphe Qutelet b) Hippocrates c) Ernest Kretschmer d) Brouha |
27. | Assertion: Push – ups are used to test the upper body strength and endurance. Reason: Push-ups include the use of elbows and upper body. A) Both A And R Are True And R Is The Correct Explanation Of A. B) Both A And R Are True But R Is Not The Correct Explanation Of A. C) A Is True But R Is False D) R Is True But A Is False |
28. | Assertion: Sit and Reach test is good for flexibility of joints of lower back and hamstrings. Reason: It is not related to the flexibility of other joints. A) Both A And R Are True And R Is The Correct Explanation Of A. B) Both A And R Are True But R Is Not The Correct Explanation Of A. C) A Is True But R Is False D) R Is True But A Is False |
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other than Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports XI MCQ,
MCQ of other Chapter of Class XI
Chapter 3: YOGA MCQ Class XI
Chapter 7: Fundamental Of Anatomy & Physiology MCQ Class 11
Chapter 9: Psychology And Sports MCQ XI
Chapter 10: Training And Doping In Sports Mcq XI
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