training and doping in sports mcq XI

training and doping in sports mcq XI 1. Which principle states that long period of inactivity reduces the physiological capacities the physiological capacities of sportspersons? a) overload b) continuity  c) individual differences d) specificity 2. ___________ refers to our body’s physiological response to training. a) load b) overload c)  recovery d) adaptation 3. Which principle

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Biomechanics and sports class 12 mcq

Biomechanics and Sports class 12 mcq Q.1. How many laws of motion are there? (a) 1       (b) 2       (c) 3       (d) 4 Q.2. Who has given law of Acceleration? a)            b) Newton          c)            d) none of these Q.3. For every Action, there is always an equal ________ reaction. a) Same                                b) opposite         c) Circular

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Training in Sports MCQs

Training in Sports MCQs Q.1. Identification can be defined as that process by which children are encouraged and motivated. a) Sports         b) Talent        c) Difficulty   d) None of these Q.2. Development provide suitable learning environment. a) Sports         b) Talent        c) Difficulty   d) None of these Q.3. Provide athletes with a suitable learning environment to accurate

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